Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

Two Little Companions For Almost January

Diposting oleh Unknown di 19.41 0 komentar

It's SHOP magazine December Issue, this actually a bible for me, started two years ago when my best friend introduced me, and start buying it each months. Why am I addicted to this? simply because I'm fashion junkie, and this magz provide everything I only want to read and to see. Yes. it's all about fashion and beauty and living. I am kinda like to read the pictures and a small writing rather than a whole pages about things that I careless. And it's a daily basis fashion. Things you can wear everyday. I guess I just couldn't ask for more.

It's Sophie Kinsella Mini Shopaholic , who doesn't want to know what happen next with Becky Brandon (nee Bloomwood). Since I had a huge crush with all Shopaholic series, I just grabbed it when I saw it display near cashier in my favorite bookstore.
And the story continuous, it's all about toddlerhood, I actually excited what Sophie described about Becky's or Minnie's outfit on the book. This totally a must have book to accompany you for holiday week. Hilarious yet teary, as usual Becky started doing things and it all went wrong but at the end we're the readers amaze of what Becky did finally. And the silver lining Becky made me wants to shop more and more...

Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

Yes I Have One or Two Pimples on My Back and I Can't Stand it!

Diposting oleh Unknown di 02.30 0 komentar

Acne prone, super sensitive , damp back. I struggled with it for years. Almost frustrated and one day they all gone. It probably my pregnancy hormone which made my back skin more cooperative. Then it appear again when my baby was born. I just called it we have a break for a moment.
Thank god they were not as much as before pregnancy. I try to control by using tea tree body wash by Body Shop, and tea tree oil for special spot. Its actually getting better right now, the unwanted acne gone. But I still have problem, the dark spots wont fade. I tried several products which not working, and finally I tried Palmers Fade Milk Lotion, it says for reducing dark spots. Contain Alpha hydroxy acid, vitamin A and E and sunscreen.
I put to my dark spots twice a day, everyday and it gets better by now, I already using it for a month. I give my best effort for this case, since I haven't using backless shirt for a while :p

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

I Demand For a Flawless Skin Everyday

Diposting oleh Unknown di 17.00 0 komentar

If you are intend to get skin covered and looks flawless everyday , but want to keep it light as a dandelion then the answer is a perfect loose powder, but which one?
Currently I fell for Lunasol micro finish powder from Kanebo. The teeny tiny particles gently filled up my pores. Recommended for matte with a hint of dewy looks. To make it stick and create even better skin with less effort, use the make up base before applying the powder. I know you already knew about all this things. But this way much natural than using compact.
Two simple steps and voila ready for the longest busiest day and you don't have to touch up every couple minutes.

Gone Zits Gone

Diposting oleh Unknown di 00.09 0 komentar

I wish I had all Harry Potter's spelled, then I could just yell 'Deletrius' to remove my superb obnoxious zits. It’s consistently abused my chin and yeah only chin. Put it in my mind I have my own spell which I called Sudocream and Aspirin Mask, It might not work fast but my lovely zits would disappeared in about 3 or 4 days. These things totally works for me. In case you haven’t heard Sudocrem is actually my baby diaper cream, and it works wonder plus multifunction, for rash, acne, scratch , and calm redness. And quite cheap for Rp. 69,000 , I'm using both for me and my baby.

So does aspirin, not only your savior after hang over, it's contain acetyl salicylic acid which famous for unclog pores and kill pimples, just go to the nearest pharmacist for only Rp. 4,000 to Rp. 6,000, grind it with warm water or honey and blend it. Apply to your face or affected area , just wait for 10 minutes. And… gone baby gone..

Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

It's Guinness Arthur's Day! It's Lifehouse Baby!

Diposting oleh Unknown di 01.23 0 komentar

It's a beer celebration who needs a reason not to come? plus I've got to see Jason Wade performed on the stage.... To be honest almost all songs from lifehouse was my OST, sounds cheesy , I was that cheesy at that moment, tears flow like a river every time I listened 'Blind', 'Everything 'and 'Hanging By a Moment'. Include all my favorite moments, heartbroken, waiting in disguised, in love, feel betrayed and so much other things happened.
Last saturday was the day I remembered all those things, since they played all my songs. Amusing as it was, also satisfaction I gained, they played total 18 songs, for almost 2 and half hours. Beautiful, beautiful performance !! and it was the first time Guiness celebrated Arthur's day in Jakarta which held at Oval Plaza Epicentrum Walk . I enjoyed the venue, since it was my first time watching concert here. The crowd were great, there were also performance by River Maya, Pure Saturday, and Superman is Dead. Anyway thanks Guiness for brought them here.

Selasa, 30 November 2010

Tahitian Noni Taste Good Smell Gross

Diposting oleh Unknown di 00.38 0 komentar

I ran out to drugstore yesterday to buy vitamin for my baby, when the drugseller told me how amazing this tahitian noni, he sold almost 100 bottles a week, and yes I saw a dozen of empty boxes. I remembered this was the juice that Miranda Kerr drank everyday. No more further questions I grabbed a bottle cost about 320k for 500ml, pretty expensive for a juice but cheaper than a good wine.
Actually it taste like a sparkling grape if I hold my breath , and smell yucky afterwhile. I managed consume regularly as a suplement, not bad my stamina rise up as today I went to the gym. I used to treadmill like a granny, and now it boost up my stamina, running for a couple hours, proud of my self.
The instructions says, drink twice daily each 30ml, an hour before meal. Wondering about other benefits? it's rich in antioxidants, effective immune booster, actually its a good bargain for health and for you hardworker!

Minggu, 28 November 2010

Everyone Has a Start...

Diposting oleh Unknown di 00.39 0 komentar
This is my first blog that I commit to produce. It takes a long long time for me to start doing thing that I actually love, writing . Shop is every women passion, my passion. Instead just wasted all of the money on things that I finally will regret, I should start listing it. Everything I'll write is on my personal perspective. Just having fun doing both writing and shopping, love it and live it!


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