Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

Facial Experience at Erha

Diposting oleh Unknown di 23.17 1 komentar
I've been juggling with my cystical acnes since puberty, and after saying goodbye to my oh-so-glowy pregnancy skin, now it grew back. I decided to get rid  the soonest I get the chance. Yesterday I went to Erha Apothecary at Mall Kelapa Gading III only to try their loose powder, but then the SA told me that I can do facial here with no queue, and the dermatologist free untill six o'clock. 
I never use any Erha products nor their treatment, so I thought why not try it this time. After filling some paper to registrate new member, they asked me to wait.
The waiting room was small but comfy enough for me and super clean. Then the beautician call my name and the process begin. They have four kinds for facial, oil control Rp. 200.000,- tightening, brightening, and for dehydration skin. I chose brightening facial which cost me Rp. 250.000,-
All the process quite the same with other clinic, first they clean my face, and vacuum. And next was squeezing my comedos out, this was my least favourite moment. After that she started to massage my face and my neck, releasing the stiffness cause by holding pain after the squeezing part. My favorite was when she applied mask, it was super thick and cool, calming redness on my face. After the treatment over, she gave me a free mask to use at home. The treatment was not over yet, I had to meet the dermatologist to inject my strain acnes. Another Ouch moment. For all treatment and administration total damaged was Rp. 365.000,- worth enough considered all the service, I think I'll be back if my cystic acne appear again.
The waiting room

Torture Bed :p

free collagen mask, yeayy!

Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

Etude House Color My Brows-Brow Mascara

Diposting oleh Unknown di 23.25 0 komentar
I have super thin almost transparent eyebrow. So, for me, eyebrow penci, shadow or anythin than can color mine is a must. I've been religiously using Skinfood Eyebrw Shadow, beside it's super cheap price, the color suit me most, and the brush is okay. It's my five minutes to go touch up stuff.
On my last holiday, I lost it, can you believe, when you in the middle of no where you lost your must have? As soon as I came back to the city, I went to the nearest mall, but I couldn't find any Skinfood counter, then I went to Etude House, and their SA offered me an eyebrow mascara, he said it'll come more naturally then the shadow. Ha! what can be more natural than the shadow. That's when I decided to purchase it.
First time I'm using it it became disaster, my eyebrow became super thick and I look wether fierce or devilish not in a good way. But one's said practice makes perfect, so i gave it a try, on day three I became a whiz. Now you can see it below pictures,

Do I already look like Lilly Collins or still devilish?

Etude House Color My Brow in rich dark brown

Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

I'm back yes I am

Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.58 0 komentar
It's been a while since my last post, I know it's unforgivable in blog world, and now here I am, let's share some beauty and stuffs and love

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